Funny Topics

Jan Has Fabulous Humor Keynotes on . .

CHANGE: Finding the Funny in Change is one of Jan’s most popular keynotes. Many people will tell you that you NEED to use humor during change situations, but they won’t tell you HOW . . . Jan will. You’ll get tips on cutting the tension with humor, starting not-so-easy conversations with humor, and generally changing the “energy” with humor. Check out her clip below:

COMEDY: If you just want a hilarious comedy show, with customized jokes written just for your group, than this is the way to go! Jan’s humor is perfect for all groups, and it’s not only funny, but it is clean. Yes, you can sit next to your boss and co-workers without being embarrassed. She jokes about the 14 years she spent in a cubicle, her family, and day-to-day life that everyone can relate to.

Master of Ceremonies! – Whether your event is a half-day or the whole week, keep your attendees INTERESTED by having Jan emcee.